New Vision : a 10 volume Science fiction dystopian book series

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Author | 0 comments

New Vision is a science fiction dystopian book series in 10 volumes. The Freemason organization New Vision, which in 2121 holds all the powers over the whole planet, has established a new world order to restore peace and prosperity within the largest cities of all the continents. It is through its mastery of the most advanced technologies that the organization intends to achieve its goals. What events in our present caused the rise of the New World Order and the creation of New Vision? What means will New Vision implement in order to restore a serene atmosphere on the planet? What will be the obstacles faced by its elite members who will be in charge of missions? Here are the questions that guide the reader through the different parts of the saga. An adventure saga, full of twists and essential questions about our humanity and its role in the universe.

New Vision saga main topic is humanity’s good side fighting against humanity’s bad side, New Vision book series main topic is how humans are a threat to humanity, beauty and harmony. The main topic? Yes, but most likely a guide, an inspiration about how it can not be that way, nothing is already written. Over the 10 volumes saga, New Vision features a freemason organization trying to build and later on rebuild a world where only the beauty there can be in humans lead that world’s construction. 

                Why Freemasons? Why did I choose to have the world saved by Freemasons? Well of course Freemasons who other than builders can build? Since their very first creation the Freemason order tried to build a world of brotherhood values where everything is thought to be logical and easy for a person having good intentions. The love and admiration for geometry and all equations ruling our universe and its creator have inspired that order to go on with values that are the only ones who can save our world and humanity. Intelligence, Empathy, Tolerance and Brotherhood are the only values able to save humanity but also the only values who can build a world. Try to raise a building without getting along with people around you involved in that construction! Of course you won’t be able to!  Do I need to remind you of the tower of Babel story? Because this, what we are doing right now, the way we live in our modern world, the way we are trying to build our world, our society is very similar to that tower of Babel story,  a bunch of idiots not speaking the same language, the one true language of truth and tolerance we should all be speaking trying to work together on something that really has never any way whatsoever to succeed.

                Humans need to understand they all are a part of something bigger and it is only standing together that they will stand. 

                This is why the world and humanity’s saviors in New Vision are the Freemasons. Now that we talked about construction, let’s talk about deconstruction because that really is the main topic of the New Vision book series. How good people with values and intelligence building or at least trying to build something have constantly to fight bad and stupid people without values deconstructing or at least trying to deconstruct what others have built. 

The first volume “7 parallels” was published on March 6th 2022, 2121, in 7 parallels, the world in which the populations of the five continents evolve has become chaotic and unlivable. Since G20 countries leaders have been condemned for genocide, New Vision established a new world order in 2080 and masters time travel since 2105. One of its most brilliant members, Kazuhiko Ken has developed a blank page project, a rewrite from scratch of the world as we know it by choosing to annihilate from the history of humanity, some events which would have, if they had not existed, avoided humanity’s decline. Members of New Vision are therefore recruited across continents and eras to return to the past and annihilate Six distinct events in the history of humanity and ensure that Seven parallel worlds, six alternate realities are created.

The second volume “  6 intrusions butterfly defect was published on March 19th 2022,  In this second volume,the world in peace created by 7 parallels butterfly effects succeeded in knowing peace and harmony but has lost a big part of his humanity as he does not know art anymore, this time the construction will need to be the art reconstruction. 

The third volume “ 5 women” was published on April 6th, 2022.  In this volume, New Vision members act on gender equity

These 3 volumes are part of the initial trilogy.

After this initial trilogy I published the Prequel trilogy in which we find :

10 plagues” was published on March 3rd 2022  In the first prequel trilogy volume “10 plagues” : This volume tries to show you how much our political leaders have tried to ruin something potentially beautiful by rising us against each other just in order for them to control us better. In 10 plagues you learn that building a civilization is not simple but we’ve been prevented to build something strong and beautiful by evil leaders. 

 The second prequel trilogy volume “9 destinies” : This volume is so much about construction , so much about building, it is where you learn who are the people embracing Freemason values who will decide to build New Vision and you will learn that building a  fair world is above all about raising your child with values, because children are our tomorrow world. In this volume you meet New Vision’s founders and understand why having good parents is important for a child and for the adult he will become. 

In the last prequel trilogy volume “8 great minds” : we learn to be thankful for what our ancestors did go through and discovered, this volume is an ode to construction and discovery and how our most brilliant minds through our human history valued construction and strived to build a better world. 

After the prequel trilogy we have the sequel trilogy with:

In the first sequel trilogy volume “4 enemies” we learn how bad humans can be and how hard we need to fight against evil because evil can arise from anyone. In this volume we fight our worst enemies, people filled with hatred who only have one concern : deconstruction and demolition of our humanity. 

 In the second sequel trilogy volume “3 currencies” we learn what money has done to humans and how humans completely missed the most important treasure they had in their possession which was actually time and not money…you will discover in this volume how rich you actually are. 

 The last sequel trilogy volume “2 choices” teaches you that you always have the choice in life between doing good or doing evil…

The 10th and last volume of the New Vision book series :

In the very last volume of the saga “1 END” we go through all of our deepest questions and answers one of the most important ones : our end. Will humanity come to an end? Something will be ending but maybe not in the way we think…


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